1. We have designed interview procedure to obtain information about your present situation of physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health.
  2. Our primary goal is to get your opinion about your values, beliefs, attitudes, biases and myths about above aspects.
  3. Through these step, we diagnosed superficial level problems related with above aspects.
  4. Accordingly we designed customized training module to every individual.
  5. We track continuous follow up ans feedback with you about what is working and what is not working, which give you sense of your success and failure strategy.
  6. These step leads us to diagnose your deep level problems, which are actually hurdle to your progress.
  7. We redesign our training strategies according to your deep level issues.

After doing the thorough assessment, we suggest following training module as per your overall physical and mind condition and your age.

Little Ninja3 years onwards
Karate6 years onwards
Karate World Championship12 years onwards
Karayobics Retreat15 years onwards